Parking Registration
Registration dates for the 2024-2025 academic year will be open to students based on their classification, e.g. residential undergraduate student, commuter undergraduate student, and graduate student. Registration dates and times are as follows:
- Graduate TBD
- Undergraduate (Commuter) TBD
- Undergraduate (Residential) TBD
NOTE: The staggered registration dates and times have no impact on the number of permits available for each parking location. Your opportunity to select your desired location does not change with the new staggered registration process.
- Permits will be mailed, and students may use the ParkWhiz app for deck/lot entry until mailed permit is received. (Use the links below to download the ParkWhiz app, which can be used as an alternative to your hangtag permit. ParkWhiz is accessible by both Apple and Android devices and replaces the FlashParking app. More ParkWhiz info here)
- Remember to have vehicle information on hand before beginning the registration process. (Make, Model, Year, Color, License Plate Number, License Plate State)
- Emory policy prohibits residential freshmen students from parking on campus.
Register on the Parking Portal
2024-2025 Academic Year Student Parking Fees
Resident | Not Applicable | $385/semester | Student Account |
Commuter Undergraduate Graduate & Professional | $6.75/day | Capped at $96.50/month**, $385/semester | Student Account Sept - May Once $385 is reached in the Spring semester, no additional permit fees will post through 8/14/25 |
**Monthly cap is for billing purposes and does not limit the number of times you can park.
Off-Peak Parking
Option for students with afternoon/evening classes/labs. Regular daily rate applies if permit is used to enter the deck before 2:00 pm.
Students | Evening – After 2 pm, Monday – Friday | $1/Day Monthly Cap of $12 | Student Account |
Please have vehicle information on hand before beginning the registration process.