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Parking Services


What is a Vanpool?

A vanpool functions like a super carpool. Groups of 5 or more commuters meet at a central location, use a commuter highway vehicle to get back and forth to work, and commuters share in the driving responsibilities. Vanpools vary in type based on the number of vanpool participants. Crossover SUVs, mini-vans, and Large passenger vans have been added to the fleet. 

  • Flexible Participation: Do you work a hybrid schedule? Vanpool is still an option! Provide you commute days and schedule to be matched with full-time riders the vanpool! There are multiple vans at nearby employers that Emory employees can join!
  • Convenient: Vanpool members decide on a flexible route and schedule. For convenience, many passengers meet at centralized location.
  • Affordable: Vanpooling means no wear and tear on your car, saving on gas, maintenance as well as qualifying for possible discounts on auto insurance.
  • Reduces Stress: Vanpool members reduce stress just by sharing the driving with other members. Additionally, traveling in groups enhances personal safety.
  • Emory Commute participants receive up to a $100 vanpool subsidy per month, as well as up to 20 parking credits as a backup-option.


Commute participants using COMMUTE with Enterprise qualify for the Guaranteed Ride Home Program provided by Georgia Commute Options a program of the Atlanta Regional Commission. This program ensures that you are never left without a ride home.  If you have to leave early or stay late, you will have a ride.

For Information:

If you are looking for more information regarding vanpooling through COMMUTE with Enterprise, please contact 

Jalisa Brown
Account Executive

Join an Existing Vanpool

Emory's Transportation and Parking Services provides assistance for commuters who work on or near Clifton Road and who want to join or start a vanpool.  To learn more about joining or starting a vanpool, contact commute@emory.edu


Vanpools provide parking benefits and other incentives:

  • Subsidized vanpool
  • Subsidized parking on Clifton campus with a minimum of seven eligible employees from Emory University and/or Emory Healthcare
  • Reserved parking space (spaces assigned based on high-top van space availability in parking decks or street space available)
  • Guaranteed Ride Home