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Transportation &
Parking Services

North DeKalb Mall Closure FAQs

General Info

Why has the route changed?
The North DeKalb Mall has transitioned ownership and the new owner, Edens, announced that demolition of the Mall will occur this year. Emory University will no longer be able to utilize parking spaces at the North DeKalb Mall after June 30th, 2023.
Is the name of the route changing?
Yes. The name of the new route is now Emory Decatur Hospital (EDH) effective Monday July 3, 2023. Please bookmark the new page.

Shuttle Routes & Maps

Where can I find a map of the shuttle routes?
An updated system map, effective July 3 2023, can be found here.
When will this service change take effect?

The last day of service to the North DeKalb Mall was Friday June 30th, 2023.

The first day of service to Emory Decatur Hospital was Monday July 3rd, 2023. 

Parking at Emory Decatur Hospital

Who is eligible to register for parking at Emory Decatur Hospital?

Emory Employees:

Emory University and Emory Healthcare employees who are registered for the Smart Commute Program and confirm they will be utilizing the Emory Decatur Hospital (EDH) shuttle as their primary commute to campus may request access to parking at EDH to utilize the shuttle.

Emory University Students

Current Emory University commuter students who confirm they will be using the Emory Decatur Hospital (EDH) shuttle as their primary commute to campus may request access to parking at EDH.

How do I request approval to park at Emory Decatur Hospital to utilize the Park & Ride?

Emory University/Healthcare Employees

Emory University/Healthcare employees may register for the Smart Commute Program and confirm they will be using the EDH shuttle as their primary commute to campus

Emory University Students

Emory University commuter students who confirm they will be using the EDH shuttle as their primary commute to campus may request parking by using this form.

If I am approved to park and my card doesn't work, or I get a new card, what should I do?

Once you have been approved by Emory University, Emory Decatur Hospital's ID Badge & Security team can assist. Their office is located on the ground floor of the main hospital.

EDH ID Badge Office


Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:30 pm


I am not an Emory Healthcare employee or Emory University student, faculty, or staff member.
Access to park-and-ride parking at Emory Decatur Hospital will be limited to current, approved Emory University students, faculty, and staff, and Emory Healthcare employees.

The shuttle remains available to all members of the community for travel to Emory University, Emory University Hospital, and Emory Decatur Hospital.
Will it be free to park at Emory Decatur Hospital if I'm using the Park & Ride?
Yes, however, a limited number of parking spaces are available. Employees and students who utilize the Emory Decatur Hospital shuttle park & ride as their primary commute to campus must request access and be approved to park prior to use.
If I am approved to park at Emory Decatur Hospital to use the Park & Ride, where should I park?

Approved commuters will utilize their EmoryCard or assigned badge to enter and park in the Employee (red) parking deck. The entrance to the Red Parking deck is near the intersection of Rufus Evans Drive and Sycamore Drive, directly up the ramp pictured below. The shuttle stop is located on the right side of the image. Stairs are located on the right side of the parking deck pictured below, with glass windows.

EDH Parking Entrance

What is the address for Emory Decatur Hospital Parking?
Directions to Emory Decatur Hospital can be found here. Approved commuters will utilize their Emory University/Emory Healthcare ID badge to enter and park in the Employee (red) parking deck.
I would like to start parking at Emory University.

Individuals with a current parking permit may utilize their existing permit for their assigned deck. Individuals with current Emory University parking permits can check their current parking assignments here.

Individuals without a current permit can visit https://transportation.emory.edu/permit-parking to learn more about your permit options and register for a parking permit.

Smart Commute Options

I would like to start carpooling.
Emory encourages commuters to consider carpooling, especially those who currently utilize the North DeKalb shuttle. Incentives are available for employees who carpool. If you're looking to join a carpool, consider talking with others in your office/school, connecting with other regular commuters you meet on the North DeKalb shuttle, or by utilizing https://gacommuteoptions.com/ to find and match with commuters willing to share a ride. Please email commute@emory.edu to let us know if you'll be carpooling as your primary commute.
I would like to start biking (or ebiking).
Emory encourages biking to campus! If you're not sure where to start or the first few rides feel daunting, our Bike Champ Ambassadors are here to help and may be able to join you for the ride.
Are there bike racks available for use at Emory Decatur Hospital?
Bike racks are located on the 1st floor of the Emory Decatur Hospital parking deck's East exit lanes nearest to the hospital. Additional bike racks are located near the entrance to the Wellness Center.
What MARTA connections serve Emory Decatur Hospital?

MARTA Route 123 (https://itsmarta.com/123.aspx) provides a connection between the North DeKalb Mall, Emory Decatur Hospital, and the Decatur MARTA station. 

MARTA Route 36 (https://itsmarta.com/36.aspx) provides a connection between the Midtown and Decatur MARTA stations with stops near Emory University and Emory Decatur Hospital.

An interactive map of all MARTA bus and rail services can be found here.

I am an employee, part of the Smart Commute program and was approved to park at Emory Decatur Hospital. Will I continue to receive Smart Commute benefits?
Yes. Smart Commute Benefits are not affected.
I am an employee of CHOA. What options do I have?
Due to limited parking at Emory Decatur Hospital, Emory is only able to provide parking for Emory employees and students. CHOA employees may continue to utilize the shuttle, and CHOA employees on the Egleston campus may contact ECHParking@choa.org for CHOA-specific questions related to parking and commuter benefits for CHOA employees.