The last day of service to the North DeKalb Mall was Friday June 30th, 2023.
The first day of service to Emory Decatur Hospital was Monday July 3rd, 2023.
Emory Employees:
Emory University and Emory Healthcare employees who are registered for the Smart Commute Program and confirm they will be utilizing the Emory Decatur Hospital (EDH) shuttle as their primary commute to campus may request access to parking at EDH to utilize the shuttle.
Emory University Students
Current Emory University commuter students who confirm they will be using the Emory Decatur Hospital (EDH) shuttle as their primary commute to campus may request access to parking at EDH.
Emory University/Healthcare Employees
Emory University/Healthcare employees may register for the Smart Commute Program and confirm they will be using the EDH shuttle as their primary commute to campus
Emory University Students
Emory University commuter students who confirm they will be using the EDH shuttle as their primary commute to campus may request parking by using this form.
Once you have been approved by Emory University, Emory Decatur Hospital's ID Badge & Security team can assist. Their office is located on the ground floor of the main hospital.
EDH ID Badge Office
Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:30 pm
Approved commuters will utilize their EmoryCard or assigned badge to enter and park in the Employee (red) parking deck. The entrance to the Red Parking deck is near the intersection of Rufus Evans Drive and Sycamore Drive, directly up the ramp pictured below. The shuttle stop is located on the right side of the image. Stairs are located on the right side of the parking deck pictured below, with glass windows.
Individuals with a current parking permit may utilize their existing permit for their assigned deck. Individuals with current Emory University parking permits can check their current parking assignments here.
Individuals without a current permit can visit to learn more about your permit options and register for a parking permit.
MARTA Route 123 ( provides a connection between the North DeKalb Mall, Emory Decatur Hospital, and the Decatur MARTA station.
MARTA Route 36 ( provides a connection between the Midtown and Decatur MARTA stations with stops near Emory University and Emory Decatur Hospital.
An interactive map of all MARTA bus and rail services can be found here.