All Emory Healthcare permits have access to Lowergate East deck Monday-Friday from 2:30 PM -5:00 AM, weekends and holidays.
How to keep your Vehicle Information updated:
- Only use the vehicle page located on your portal.
- Always add any new vehicle that you plan to bring to campus. You are allowed to have up to 4 vehicles registered.
- Edit your vehicle details if necessary. License plate information is important and should always be updated if a license plate is changed.
- Remove any vehicles that you no longer own or drive to campus.
Only vehicles listed on your myaccount parking portal will be considered registered.
Must be actively employed by Emory Healthcare. Employees will be assigned access to a parking deck based on their job location, parking deck capacity, and other factors. Employees must park in their assigned parking deck.
Commute Program (previously known as Smart) participants must register annually for their chosen smart commute (carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, or public transit). To register, click here.