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Transportation &
Parking Services

Faculty & Staff Parking

There are several ways to commute to Emory. When you choose to drive and park on campus, you will need a parking permit.
  • To register for a permit, visit  https://transportation.emory.edu/employee-parking-permit-form
  • All permits will be mailed. Once your permit is issued, you will be able to use the ParkWhiz app to gain access to your parking location. (App is accessible by both Apple and Android devices.)
  • If you wish to purchase a permit in person, visit the Parking Office located in the Starvine Deck, 1945 Starvine Way, Suite 400B. Office hours are Monday – Friday, 9 am – 3 pm. 
  • Fees are charged for parking decks, street parking and surface lots.
  • Commute Programs: These programs and associated parking permit requirements will be updated this Fall and details are available here

2024-25 Parking Permits 

Do I need a new permit?

  • To confirm your permit status before coming to campus, visit  The Parking Portal and attempt to register for a permit. The system will alert you of your current permit status. If the system allows you to register, we will mail the new permit to you.
  • All permits will be mailed. Once your permit is issued, you will be able to use the ParkWhiz app to gain access to your parking location.

For your convenience, we have compiled the following FAQs. If you have additional questions, please email us at parking@emory.edu

Faculty/Staff Parking FAQs

2024-25 Permit Options

Transportation and Parking Services offers two permit options for University Faculty and Staff members who are eligible for payroll deduction of their parking fees.  The $58 fee for September 2024 will be deducted on your October pay advice. The tables below provide details on the permit choices.  Use the link below to select the discounted annual permit option. NOTE:  no action is required if you would like to remain on the daily parking plan. Unless you select the annual option, the daily option will be used for billing. 

Parking Frequency

Type of PermitCostWhat should I do?

If you generally park on campus 
2 times or less per week

Daily$6.75/day with monthly cap of $67.50 No action necessary, you will be billed for each parking occurrence.

If you generally park on campus
3 times or more per week


Contact the Parking Office for the Discounted permit.


Parking Frequency

Type of PermitCostWhat should I do?

Park on campus after 2 pm

Daily$1/day with monthly cap of $12**No action necessary

* Administrative discount provided for annual permit.

** The evening rate ($1/day, capped at $12/month) only applies to parking after 2 pm. If you park at any point before 2 pm, you will be charged the $6.75/day rate, which is capped at $67.50/month. Thus, it is possible to be charged two different rates within the same month depending on when you park. For example, Employee A parks after 2 pm 18 times in a month. Employee A also parks before 2pm 2 times that month. Employee A will be charged $25.50 ($12 evening rate cap + [$6.75 daily rate X 2]=$25.50). 

Checking Your Parking Usage

Faculty and staff may login with their Emory NetID and password.

Check My Parking Usage

NOTE:  Employees paying for parking via payroll deduction will see the prior month usage and respective charges on their pay advice.  For example, the January pay advice will reflect the parking charges for the month of December.

How to keep your Vehicle Information updated

  1. Only use the vehicle page located on The Parking Portal.
  2. Always add any new vehicle that you plan to bring to campus. You are allowed to have up to 4 vehicles registered.
  3. Edit your vehicle details if necessary. License plate information is important and should always be updated if a license plate is changed.
  4. Remove any vehicles that you no longer own or drive to campus.*

Only vehicles listed on your myaccount parking portal will be considered registered.